week of August 31,2009

All our peppers ,mild and hot, are taking on their magnifient
color. We have Jimmy Nardello Italian sweets ,some beautiful
orange and green sweet bells and these hot Czech Blacks.

week of August 24, 2009

We running a special on big beautiful beets just in time
for your late summer menu.

Week of August 17, 2009

Heirloom tomatoes are ripening up nicely now. We've got Striped German, Prudence Purple (Brandywine type), Hogs Heart. Amish Paste. Wapsipinicon Peach and we'll soon have tomatillos too.

Week of August 10, 2009

Did we mention that we have tomatoes?

Week of August 2, 2009

We have edamame. I cooked some up yesterday for my parents. They had never had it before. Isn't it great when you can expose your parents to good new things.